Author Archive: TinaB
Married, mom to two busy kids, biology major turned internet marketer, workaholic, trying to slow down long enough to enjoy life! Tina Becci

TOMS Valentine Women’s Classics for 2012 #TOMS
TOMS Valentine Classic Shoes for 2012 are here!
Valentine’s Day it just about here but have you thought about what to get as gifts?! TOMS is back with another wonderful style to add to their collection. TOMS women’s classic valentine shoes are adorable. The Valentine limited edition shoes are set to be THEE Valentine’s Day gift […]

Chinese New Year 2012
Today marks the Chinese New Year, Year of the Dragon. We always like to take a little extra time and teach our children about international cultures and this holiday is a perfect one to spotlight! The Chinese New Year ranks high as the most important festivals and celebrations in China. The first day of the […]

TOMS Shoes – Try some Red to beat the Winter Blues #TOMS
There is no way to beat the winter blues if you are stuck in the house but we have a suggestion to make you feel happy. TOMS Shoes are not the traditional winter shoe but they can help you beat the winter blues! How you may ask? Lets start with the spicy TOMS Red Canvas […]

America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right On The Money
I’m always on the lookout for books to help me out in this whole parenting/budgeting thing. Kids are expensive! No sooner do you buy them clothes, than they outgrow them. They need school supplies every year, and when they reach a certain age they want an allowance**. On top of the routine things that we […]

We are going to be offering some big giveaways for all our readers!
All New Giveaways almost every day are posted on our site – please stay tuned for more offers!
Check back soon for all the details!

Grocery Tips for Shopping Smarter in 2012
Do you do the grocery shopping in your house? An unofficial survey among my circle of friends has shown that in most homes, the mom does the grocery shopping. In our house, my husband and I share the chore, but in his childhood home, his dad — a.k.a. my father-in-law, Bob — always did the […]

Finding Freebies When It’s Frigid
know that during the summer, when the kids get antsy, I send them out to run under the sprinklers, take them to the beach, go to the park, visit a friend with a pool, and the list goes on. There are often free or low-cost summer programs for kids. If you live in the northern […]

Tips for Getting your Family back in a routine after Winter Break
I remember being a kid and looking forward to getting a long break from school for the holidays! As a parent it is amazing how different we look at time off from school, not so excited to say the least. It such a hectic time but we look forward to the family get togethers and […]

Ideas from a Home School Mom for educational fun
Bust Winter Break Boredom With Back To Basics Games
Winter break can be a frustrating time for parents, in spite of all the excitement of the holidays. This year there winter break is close to three weeks long and we are running out of fun things to do! Once the wrapping paper is put away, and […]