Author Archive: TinaB
Married, mom to two busy kids, biology major turned internet marketer, workaholic, trying to slow down long enough to enjoy life! Tina Becci

What to Shop for in March
It’s been a couple of months since the December holidays, and by now you’re probably back on track, financially speaking, and read to get back to shopping the sales. You already know that school supplies go on sale in July, and that whites go on sale in January. What can you look for this time […]

Flash Giveaway for Paypal Cash
Friday Flash Giveaways are a quick and easy way to win money! Check back here for our next giveaway

TOMS Shoes Ballet Flats Spring Collection
TOMS Ballet Flats join the TOMS family!
TOMS debuted the new TOMS Ballet Flats collection February 1! The fashion world is in a frenzy with the news of the TOMS Ballet Flats Collection kicked off. You can now buy your own pair of Toms with Ballet Flats from the TOMS website. The Ballet Flats are part […]

Keeping busy during President’s Day Weekend
In some parts of the country, kids have an end-of-winter break in February. You might still have snow on the ground, or it might be starting to warm up where you are. Have you thought about planning fun activities for your kids’ week at home? Without the excitement of the winter holidays or the warm […]

Is There Such a Thing as Bad Chocolate?
If you’re anything like me, you know that the answer to the above question is an unequivocal no! No, all chocolate is good, right? Well, unless it is a matter of giving chocolate to our kids… then it’s not so good. Not so good for teeth or sugar and fat consumption. And chocolate does contain […]

Teaching Kids to Conserve Natural Resources
Maybe your kids are a lot like mine. They leave lights on when they’re not in the room, forget to shut the refrigerator, leave the door wide open when it’s 90 degrees outside, and take 20-minute showers (usually after arguing over the necessity of a shower to begin with). All of these things are not […]

Valentines Day 2012 Craft Ideas
It’s time to start thinking about Valentine’s Day! Soon your kids will receive instructions from their teachers to bring in a valentine for each member of the class, and chances are that they’ll also want to give something to you, their grandparents or their neighbors. If you’re crunched for time, you can always stop by […]

Family Safety Tips and Advice for your Home
Although it’s been unseasonably warm in some areas of the country, February is a very cold month in many places. Whether you heat with electricity, oil, gas, wood, or a combination of all of these, it’s important to keep your family safe. Any heating system can cause a fire, and any fuel-burning appliance can cause […]

Healthy Family Snacks for Game time
Sunday is family night for us. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and close friends all come together for football. Of course, on the night of the biggest game of the year the food and the parting is even bigger! In the last couple of weeks we have been adjusting our diet choices quite a bit and are […]

Going without my SmartPhone for a day
Last spring, our family participated in Television Turn Off week. I thought I’d never hear the end of it from the kids, who were not only addicted to iCarly and Spongebob, but also video games on the Xbox and Wii (which were also off-limits, since they can only be used through the television). The first […]