Author Archive: KimmieJ
Married, new mom, full time teacher and part-time writer, embracing motherhood with both hands! Kimmie J

Shopping for a Car
Hey Mom’s….Are you in the market for a new car?
With the end of September rapidly approaching; this means the end of the vehicle model year. Today buying a car is as easy as the click of a mouse. You go to the dealership website, build your vehicle, and look at the window sticker, and then […]

Baby Einstein Video Review
My life saver is The Baby Einstein DVD Collection! In my house the DVD’s are also known as “Baby E.”
The Baby Einstein Company was founded in 1996 by a stay-at-home mom and former English teacher Julie Aigner-Clark. Her products are designed to expose babies and toddlers to language, poetry, music, art and science. Julie has […]

Baby Monitor Summer Infant Monitor Review
Before the birth of our son, my husband and I made the journey to our local baby superstore to begin our gift registry. One of the items on the list was a baby monitor. To say we were overwhelmed is an understatement; these things have come a long way. At first we looked at the […]