Author Archive: KimmieJ
Married, new mom, full time teacher and part-time writer, embracing motherhood with both hands! Kimmie J

Baby Sleep Training Methods
Need Some Sleep? Let’s just say…I don’t know since about the beginning of the last trimester of pregnancy, you haven’t slept well. Don’t you love it when people walk up to you at 35 weeks pregnant and they ask “How are you feeling?” The first thing that runs through your head is “Like crap thanks!” […]

Bargaining or Bribery Where do you Draw the Line with your Children
Picky eaters, stubborn kids….you name it parents truly have the stories to share about their little ones. As we all venture down this parental journey, it’s important that we don’t loose sight on the “big picture.” It does not matter if you’re married, divorced, single parent or just the baby sitter sometimes we find ourselves […]

Speech Milestones My Child is not talking yet?
Why Some Children Are Slow to Talk?
As mothers it seems like there is always something to worry about…. Ok, so maybe I should rephrase this; there is always something that we need to be on the lookout for. One of the most important is your child’s speech and language skills. A child’s first communication skill […]

Separation Anxiety How to Deal with it
As your child’s first birthday rapidly approaches you tend to notice not only physical changes, but more importantly his/her personality. The things you used to do in the past like (use the restroom while in their swing, or change the load of laundry while they sit in the play saucer) becomes quite trouble-some. Your child’s […]

Baby Proofing your home from Household Poisons
The time has come when it’s time for me to start thinking about BABY-PROOFING my house with safety latches and locks. My little one is getting the point were moving and grooving is a part of everyday life. We’re not crawling just yet, but as each day passes the rolling and knee scooting is getting […]

Pumpkin Patch Memories
Ah, fall is in the air. What better way to welcome the arrival of the cooler weather than enjoying one of fall’s fun filled family festivities – going to the pumpkin patch!
This past weekend we took our little one for the first time to the local pumpkin patch. The thrill and excitement has been building […]

Bumbo Baby Seat Love Ah….Not So Much!
The time has come you just found out you’re pregnant and its time go to your local baby superstore and register. As part of my baby registry I decided to register for the Bumbo Baby Seat along with all the other hundreds of items.
The Bumbo Baby Seat was created in 1996 by a grandfather named […]

Help with Spelling Advice from a Teacher
The after school chaos is a common occurrence in my house! I am always looking to find ways to streamline some things in our house so that we have time for fun things! Here is what usually happens “Mommy, Mommy, I need help with my spelling – oh yeah I have a test tomorrow”. So […]

Lion King 3D Family Movie Night
Make it a Disney Family Movie night or a Date Night…..”The Lion King”….is now in 3D!!!
Simba, Nala, Scar and others are back in the 1994 Disney Oscar winning film. This time its big screen release is now in 3-D. CNN reports that the first weekend box office totals were $29.3 million. This just proves the […]

What’s in your Diaper Bag?
Bye, bye purse….hello diaper bag! Diaper bags are an important part of being a parent.
Ok, so one year ago I was hitting Coach Outlet for the 30% off beginning of fall sales event. Now, like many of you my life revolves around the diaper bag.
As females, we get to experience firsthand the progression of life. As little girls […]