Author Archive: KimmieJ
Married, new mom, full time teacher and part-time writer, embracing motherhood with both hands! Kimmie J

Learning with Candy fun creative ways to teach
Well, much to my surprise the holiday season is already in full swing…. Ah what? Yes, this afternoon I walked into a girls’ clothing store shopping for my niece’s birthday present and heard Christmas music. Ah!!!! It’s only early November and I still have bags of Halloween trick-or-treat candy around the house. The only thought […]

Cold and Flu Season Tips
It’s cold and flu season….take charge now!
The new year is in full swing… Flu season is worse then ever and the effectiveness of the flu vaccine keeps going down every time I listen to the news. Influenza occurs usually during the cold months of the year here in the U.S. The timing of flu is […]

Passing on the love of Reading
Ready for Reading
One of the most important parts of your baby’s development is their interest in Reading. It’s a skill that connects us with the world on so many levels. Think about….if you didn’t know how to read, you couldn’t write thank you notes, text message or send emails. Ah, now I got your attention.
Incorporate […]

Pumpkin Carving Tips
One of my favorite family traditions is our annual “Hallo-weenie” Roast on Halloween night. My brother and sister-in-law are huge Halloween fanatics. The house is decorated inside and out. They set up the grill, tables, chairs, lights, and cook hotdogs, chips, drinks and play “spooky” Halloween music for all the neighborhood Halloween parents and kids […]

Breast Cancer Awareness, Prevention, Support
The month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Everywhere we look we see pink. To support and honor the fight turn on your television and you’ll see pink on the NFL player’s cleats, NASCAR paint schemes, cereal boxes, food carton and banners on the streets.
Unfortunately, each of us knows of someone currently with Breast […]

Helping With The Stress of School Tests
Whether it is state standardized testing or end of the year finals, school tests are inevitable. With each test comes a lot of stress, worry and anxiety for many children and their families. In some states a student’s score can result in pass or fail of their grade level.
Not to date myself, but I will…I […]

Let’s Play – Ideas For Creating Your Own Playgroup
Spring fever is in the air and it’s time to put away those winter sweaters and pull out your shorts, flip flops and swim suits. The sunshine and warm weather screams fun for both children and parents of all ages. Now for stay at home moms and dads it’s time to reach out to your […]

When to Call the Doctor?
For many of us across the country that calendar says its still winter. However, if you look outside it feels like spring or almost summer. Now, we cannot forget that it’s still cold and flu season. Statistics show that viral and bacterial illnesses increase during the winter when children spend lots of time indoors. Between […]

Protecting Your Child’s Identity
As I was getting ready for work this morning an interesting news clip on the television caught my attention. The news report spoke about the increased number of reports coming in from the IRS about children’s identity theft (especially in babies). The report also shared that parents usually don’t know of any problems until tax […]

Bringing out the Mad Scientist in Your Child
As parents we have the power to steer our children’s minds in the direction of being closed or open minded to new things. We are their first foundation to view the world. They pick up our expressions and feeling s of excitement from us. They can also feel and read our negative energy levels. What […]