Author Archive: Tina
Thirty-something, work at home proud mother of two kids, full time marketer, part time writer and lots of jobs in between. I'm married to my best friend and high school sweetheart, love to cook, read, and help companies market themselves. I love to hear from my readers so leave a comment to join the conversation! Tina Becci

Holiday on a Budget: Giving Experiences
We’ve been talking over the past few weeks about ways to make the upcoming holiday season more affordable. Most of us need to watch our holiday budgets, and starting to think about gifts early can make a big difference in your credit card statements come January! Many times, the extra time and energy you invest […]

How to Choose a Backpack
We seem to have an abundance of backpacks at our house. We’ve got character backpacks from Dora to Spongebob to Power Rangers, plus several solid-color or print backpacks. With that said, every year, my kids want a new backpack to go along with all of their spiffy new back-to-school clothes. I don’t mind, as after […]

Back to School Shopping: Notebooks and Crayons and Folders, Oh My
It’s almost one of my favorite times of the year: back to school supply sales! I’ve always had a thing for pristine notebooks, brand new crayons, and my personal favorite, pens. I’m not talking about regular Bic or Papermate pens; I fully admit that I’m a bit of a pen snob, and rely on Uniball […]

Summer Break: Keeping Busy Inside the House
Recently, we talked about ways to keep busy on a shoestring this summer. While it’s important to get kids out and about during their summer break, there are lots of times that it’s nice to just stay home. With the heat keeping us in our air-conditioned house, though, sometimes finding things to do without getting […]

Summertime Safety: Fireworks
The first day of Summer has officially come and gone, and with it come pool parties, family reunions, days at the beach and lots more warm-weather fun. There are also some dangers lurking when it comes to your kids and summertime fun. We’ll be going through a few of these and giving you some timely […]

Kid Friendly Firework Destinations
The 4th of July is right around the corner. With it being on a Saturday this year, it might be a good time to make it a three day weekend and head over to one of your favorite bigger cities for a little bit of Independence Day fun. We’ve included four big city, kid friendly […]

How Summer Can Be Hard On Your Kids
Summer’s here so it’s time to celebrate, right? Maybe not if your kids thrive on being out and about or love going to school every day. In fact, summer can be hard on a lot of kids and can bring out behavior that isn’t usually seen during the school year. So if you are worried […]

Summer Camp: Dealing With Anxiety
Crying, clinging, bad dreams, stomach butterflies… all signs of separation anxiety. And that’s just you! Or maybe you’re excited about the prospect of some adult time during summer vacation, but your child is nervous about the prospect of new kids, camp counselors, or sleeping away from home. Now that you’ve chosen a summer camp, you […]

Things to Buy on Sale in April
Can you believe it’s April again? The year is already a quarter of the way through, and we’re several months away from the holiday season and hopefully our credit card bills from December are paid off. It’s also tax refund season, so many of us are gearing up to do some shopping! We talked about […]