Author Archive: Tina
Thirty-something, work at home proud mother of two kids, full time marketer, part time writer and lots of jobs in between. I'm married to my best friend and high school sweetheart, love to cook, read, and help companies market themselves. I love to hear from my readers so leave a comment to join the conversation! Tina Becci

April is Child Abuse Awareness Month
Child abuse is something that no one wants to talk or think about, but unfortunately it does exist. In one year alone over 680,000 children were harmed in some way by an adult, either through abuse or neglect. Most of the time, the adult is a parent or step-parent, but abuse can happen at the […]

Things to Buy on Sale in April
You can find great deals on nearly anything, if you know when to buy. Shopping in April is no exception; by stocking up on the items you need that are on sale, you can save money without sacrificing quality or going without. Here are some things that tend to go on sale in April:
Raincoats. You […]

Favorite Holiday Movies for the Family
With the wind blowing and the snow falling, December is a great month for snuggling in with the family for frequent movie nights or marathon afternoons! December is the time that all of the holiday classics play, so you might just be able to watch what’s already playing on television. Otherwise, you can always hit […]

How to Find the Perfect Christmas Tree
The search for the perfect Christmas tree is a holiday season rite of passage for many families. You want to love your tree – after all, you’ll most likely be looking at it for several weeks, and for many people, the tree is the center point of the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrations, so […]

Helping Your High School Freshman Adjust
If your son or daughter graduated from 8th grade a couple of months ago, you’re ready to jump into being the parent of a high schooler! This transition can be just as hard on you as it is for your child, or even more so; it can be hard to realize that your baby is […]

Things to Buy on Sale in August
It’s almost August already! This is typically the time to stock up on back-to-school items if you live in a state that doesn’t start back to school until the end of the month or after Labor Day. (You might still be able to get some great deals in the states that start earlier, as well, […]

Spring Birthday Party Ideas
Do you have a birthday boy or girl during the spring months of April or May? If you don’t live in a southern state, it’s not warm enough yet for a pool party, but it’s most likely nice enough to have a party in your backyard or at the local park! Of course, you’ll need […]

Money-Saving Tips for Spring
If you live in a cold climate, you are probably feeling the relief that accompanies a lower heating bill now that spring is here. On the other hand, if you live where the mercury is rapidly rising, your air conditioning bills may be starting to increase as well – I know mine are! Spring brings […]

Things to Do on Spring Break at Home
Some school districts have spring break in March and others in April. Unfortunately, with the many snow storms so far this year, they have been wreaking havoc across the northeast; some school districts closed for a week in February and will be losing their spring breaks! If this is the case for you, you might […]

What to Buy on Sale in March
You know what they say about March: It comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. As the lion blows through, you can look forward to warmer spring days ahead. You can also look forward to some great sales, as there are items that typically are on sale this month. The good […]