Author Archive: Tina

Thirty-something, work at home proud mother of two kids, full time marketer, part time writer and lots of jobs in between. I'm married to my best friend and high school sweetheart, love to cook, read, and help companies market themselves. I love to hear from my readers so leave a comment to join the conversation! Tina Becci

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iPad 2 Giveaway

iPad 2 Giveaway

| February 20, 2013 | 62 Comments

Welcome to the iPad 2 Giveaway! We have teamed up with some fabulous blogs to give all of you the chance to win a brand new iPad 2 Wi-fi 16GB ($399 ARV)! Around our house we cannot live without our iPad’s. The kids have tons of apps for school and play. Also, I must admit there […]

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Today is Random Act of Kindness Day

Today is Random Act of Kindness Day

| February 17, 2013 | 33 Comments

Today is Random Act of Kindness Day! Although doing an act of kindness today wouldn’t exactly be random, it’s still a wonderful concept: Do something nice for someone else with no expectation of anything in return. It could be something big or small. The idea is that if people performed random acts of kindness all […]

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February iPad or Surface Giveaway

February iPad or Surface Giveaway

| February 14, 2013 | 23 Comments

Still don’t have a much coveted tablet of your very own? We have just the giveaway for you! Enter to win either iPad with retina display (RV: $499) OR MS Surface tablet (RV: $499) OR cash equivalent! How can you go wrong! Here is what we need you to do! Enter using the rafflecopter below […]

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Early Easter Photo Hints and Tips

Early Easter Photo Hints and Tips

| February 12, 2013 | 34 Comments

Tomorrow is already Ash Wednesday, which means that Easter is coming up quickly! When you were young, did you have pictures taken in your Easter best? I remember getting a new pastel dress, complete with matching bonnet or hat, each year. I got the better deal than my brother, who always complained about his stiff […]

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Get Some Spring in Your Step With TOMS Shoes

Get Some Spring in Your Step With TOMS Shoes

| February 10, 2013 | 22 Comments

Are you looking forward to spring? I know that when we lived up north, by the beginning of February, I was on the lookout for the crocuses to start poking out of the snow, even though it would be another month before they’d actually appear. With much of the country suffering from the winter doldrums, […]

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$200 Diaper Giveaway

$200 Diaper Giveaway

| February 8, 2013 | 30 Comments

Lets face it, babies and diapers go hand in hand. It’s not until you have a babay that you realize how many diapers cost and how many you will go through in a day. Imagine getting the chance to win a $200 Diaper Giveaway! One lucky reader will win $200 worth of their favorite brand […]

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Valentine’s Day Party Ideas

Valentine’s Day Party Ideas

| February 3, 2013 | 11 Comments

With Christmas and New Year’s over, you and your kids may be experiencing a bit of a winter let-down: that “blah” feeling that happens when the parties are over and it’s months before the next major holiday. What better way to break up the months and shake things up than having a party? Valentine’s Day […]

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Recess: Is It Really Necessary?

Recess: Is It Really Necessary?

| January 28, 2013 | 28 Comments

When I was a kid, we had recess before school, at some point in the mid-morning, and again after lunch. Do you remember those days of playing four-square and kickball on the blacktop? I sure do! Many elementary schools across the nation are cutting out recess, however. In my town, the goal is to let […]

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National Popcorn Day!

National Popcorn Day!

| January 19, 2013 | 43 Comments

Sometimes I stumble upon a strange or obscure holiday and think that it would be something fun to celebrate with the kids, and today, National Popcorn Day, is no exception. Most people say that the holiday is observed on January 19, but some say that it’s whatever day the Superbowl is being held. I say, […]

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Getting Organized: The Kitchen

Getting Organized: The Kitchen

| January 16, 2013 | 58 Comments

The kitchen is the heart of the home, but it’s also one of those places that can spiral into disorder with alarming speed! I know that as soon as I get the kitchen all neat and tidy after one meal, it’s nearly time to start cooking again… and I don’t make terribly elaborate meals. Along […]

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