Author Archive: Tina
Thirty-something, work at home proud mother of two kids, full time marketer, part time writer and lots of jobs in between. I'm married to my best friend and high school sweetheart, love to cook, read, and help companies market themselves. I love to hear from my readers so leave a comment to join the conversation! Tina Becci

Raincoat-Buying Tips
You know the saying: April showers bring May flowers. Spring is officially here, and depending on where in the country you live, you might be dealing with rain now. The good news is that the weather is warming up, so if you’re still wearing your winter coat, you won’t be soon enough! That can make […]

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Whether or not you hail from Ireland, everyone gets to claim some “luck o’ the Irish” today. Because St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Sunday this year, that gives you the whole day to spend with your family, making it a great year to really get into the celebration. Here are […]

March Extreme Cash Giveaway
How is your budget looking so far? If you are like most of us, a little extra money would certainly come in handy. We do our best to provide you the opportunity to win so large sums of money! This month we have March Extreme Cash Giveaway! Giveaways has teamed up with our friends […]

Bedtime Snacks
If you eat an early dinner or if the kids are busy with sports and other evening activities, chances are that everyone starts to get hungry again before bedtime. Families tend to have different philosophies when it comes to bedtime snacks; some prefer that the kids eat only fruit, while others go with the traditional […]

Activities for Kids Who Love Dinosaurs
Do your kids love dinosaurs? What’s not to love about huge reptilian creatures that no longer exist? Thinking about a giant lizard-like beast, bigger than a house, is fascinating to most kids (and adults). The great thing about a love for dinosaurs is that the topic is not only interesting, but also educational and fun! […]

Kids and Lawn Care Safety
Pretty soon, it will be time to start the task of mowing your lawn every week or two, depending on where you live, how much rain you get, how warm it is and other considerations. Spring is also the time to begin planting flowers and vegetables and tending the garden. You may be wondering when […]

Easter Basket Stuffers
What does the Easter Bunny bring to your children? Santa Claus pretty much universally brings toys, but Easter Bunny gifts tend to be somewhat more varied. In some homes he may bring chocolates or other candy, in other homes toys, in still others the Easter Bunny may simply hide colored eggs around the house. There […]

Prom Dress Shopping Tips
Spring brings with it many things: new blooms, weddings, spring break revelries. And if you’re the parent of a teenaged girl, somewhere between April and the end of May is prom season. That probably means that you’ll need to be prepared to pick out (and pay for) a prom dress. This can be end up […]

TOMS Farrins Get Your Man Ready for Spring
The snow will be melting soon if it hasn’t already, and if your husband, father, brother or other special man in your life is itching to get into the great outdoors, TOMS Shoes has a great new option for him!
While hiking boots are awesome when you’re hiking, they can be hot and heavy when you’re […]

Jumping Into Spring With Crocs
Are you and your kids excited to be shedding winter boots and other heavy shoes very soon? According to Punxsutawney Phil, spring is right around the corner, and with spring comes light and bright footwear! I know that when I lived up north, I was itching to get into sandals as soon as possible. Once […]