Author Archive: Tina
Thirty-something, work at home proud mother of two kids, full time marketer, part time writer and lots of jobs in between. I'm married to my best friend and high school sweetheart, love to cook, read, and help companies market themselves. I love to hear from my readers so leave a comment to join the conversation! Tina Becci

Christmas Card Success Tips
It’s time to get those Christmas cards in the mail, if you haven’t already. I know that I tend to procrastinate with this sort of thing, and truth be told, I will be ordering cards this weekend. If you’re similar in your foot-dragging when it comes to getting cards made, written, addressed and sent, here […]

Thanksgiving Supplies Stock Up Now
Stocking Up for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a mere two weeks away. Although this seems like plenty of time to shop for essentials, the busy lives we lead mean the tendency to procrastinate is strong. Stocking up early will prevent last-minute grocery store runs and allow you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are […]

Halloween Safety Tips
The night when little ghouls and goblins will be out trick-or-treating is coming up, and if your kids are anything like mine, they’ve been planning their costumes for some time. Halloween should be about fun and a bit of spookiness, but most of all, it should be a safe evening for all. Before you head […]

Passing on Family Heritage and Culture
Passing on Your Family Heritage to your children
Each family usually has specific customs and most certainly food that they remember eating as a child. The other day a musical artist that my parents use-to play often in our home released a new cd. As I listened to the music it reminded me of my childhood […]

Tips for Keeping your Family on time
Do you have a problem arriving on time? Keeping your family on schedule can most certainly be a challenge; however, with a few helpful tips and suggestions, you will find that facilitating a good morning schedule can be very beneficial to your family.
The first key to keeping your family on schedule is embracing a good […]

Halloween Party Fun
Have you made plans for Halloween yet? If trick or treating is not your favorite thing, or if you don’t live in a good area for it, you might want to consider hosting a Halloween party instead. This can be a great way for your kids to get together with their friends, admire each other’s […]

Toms Fall 2013 Collection for the whole family
There is not doubt that if you follow our site you know we not only love Toms Shoes but support all their products. For every Toms shoes that you buy a pair of shoes is donated to person who is in need of a shoe. The unique nature of Toms shoes is the incredible blend […]

Crock Pot Recipes
Looking for ideas on what to make for dinner? Our resident chef has some suggestions for Crock Pot “Dinner-in-a-Pinch” Ideas!
Most days in my house are filled with school, work, homework, sports, dance class, baths, reading and usually at least one unexpected surprise. I know, just like your house! The crock pot being filled in the […]

Old Wives’ Tales: Fact or Fiction?
You already know that going out with wet hair won’t cause pneumonia, despite hearing your grandmother say just the contrary. And although it’s fun to guess the sex of an unborn child before the ultrasound, we now know that dangling a ring over a mama-to-be’s belly isn’t an accurate way of guessing whether to buy […]

Homemade Ice Cream Truck Delights
One of the quintessential sounds of summer, drawing the attention of children all over the country, is the joyful tune emanating from an ice cream truck. You may have seen the joke circulating around Facebook about ice cream trucks: It says something like, “My dad always told me that the ice cream truck played music […]