Author Archive: Ashley B
Ashley is a Writer, Stay at Home mother of 4, not to busy to take time to slow down and smell the flowers. I also teach a Mommy and Me Dance Class to share my love of dance.

Halloween Candy: Making Healthier Choices
Have you already purchased candy for Halloween? We all have our favorites: My kids love anything chewy and sticky, whereas I usually raid their stash for anything chocolate! You might be concerned about the sugar, fat and calories (not to mention additives like food coloring) are going to affect your kids over the next week […]

Labor Day Family Fun
Do you have plans for Labor Day yet? This is the holiday that marks the official end of summer for many people, so it’s important to make it a special day for you and your family to have fun and relax before everybody returns to the daily grind. Labor Day is a day set aside […]

Non-Boring Brown Bag Lunches
Back to school is rapidly approaching! With the return to classrooms and school buses and school supplies comes a return to packing school lunches. Now that your little scholar has had all summer off, he might be a bit more inclined to be picky about his packed lunches than he was by the end of […]

Sibling Rivalry: Coping Strategies
Now that school is out for the summer, your kids are spending a lot of time together. In my house, the first week or so of summer vacation is a time when the kids generally get along. After that, though, sibling rivalry, bickering, arguing and boredom set in. If left unchecked, the quarreling could make […]

When to Leave Kids Home Alone?
It’s a rite of passage: finally being deemed old enough to stay home alone. It’s also a rite of passage of sorts for parents, who need to swallow their anxiety the first time they drive away from the house with their child inside, without an adult to care for him. At 11 and 9, my […]

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Their Veggies
My son loves vegetables. I don’t know how we did it or why we were lucky in this respect, but people always express awe when they see him willingly scarf down Brussels sprouts (yuck!), asparagus, artichokes, green beans, radishes, spinach and other foods that other children usually deem unfriendly. I was actually a little bit […]

Avoiding Supermom Syndrome, or How Not to Be a Master Juggler
Every once in a while, some study comes out which says that moms should make X number of dollars (with X standing for some obscenely large number), with all of the jobs that we do. This is, of course, on top of whatever salary we make at our in- or out-of-the-house jobs. While no one […]

Holiday Gift Wrap Hints and Tips
Once all of your holiday shopping is done, you’ll probably have a lot of wrapping to do. Some people, of course, wrap as they buy, but at our house, usually my husband I stay up late on Christmas Eve in order to get everything wrapped just so. We normally stock up on paper from Walmart, […]

Entertaining the Kids’ Friends in the Cooler Months
During the summer, our yard and those of our neighbors were filled to the brim with kids on a regular basis. If my children wanted to invite a friend or a group of friends over, I was perfectly fine with that. They could run around to their hearts’ content outside, and I could supply them […]