Author Archive: Ashley B
Ashley is a Writer, Stay at Home mother of 4, not to busy to take time to slow down and smell the flowers. I also teach a Mommy and Me Dance Class to share my love of dance.

Your Holiday Gift, Tip and Bonus Guide
While you’re busy getting gifts together for your children, your spouse, your parents and other extended family members, it can be easy to forget about the service people who we hire to take care of various things for us. While you should never feel obligated to give a gift, you might be wondering what’s appropriate […]

Gardening With Kids: Getting Started
Almost every winter, I say that this will be the year that I’ll start a garden with the kids. And every year, summer rolls around without me actually starting a garden. We’ve done containers of tomato plants and we usually have some potted herbs on our back porch, but we’ve never done the type of […]

National Coupon Month
With September being National Coupon Month, now’s a great time to learn how to use coupons effectively, if you don’t already know. I remember being a little girl, carrying my mom’s huge book of coupons through the store while she rattled off what she was buying. I’d have to go through her alphabetically-indexed file, trying […]

Planning an Easter Egg Hunt Ideas and Tips
I’ve been seeing signs around town advertising for Easter egg hunts over the past week or so. In our area, many churches hold them after the sunrise Easter service. When we lived in the North, the local hospital held one each year for the children and grandchildren of the employees; my mother-in-law, a nurse, took […]

Easter Gifts for Teens
Once your child has grown out of Easter egg hunts, what is there to do on Easter morning? First, you might be surprised at how much a teen will still enjoy an egg hunt if younger siblings are participating. Or, she might like to be the one to hide the eggs! Assuming you have no […]

March is National Nutrition Month
The month of March is National Nutrition Month. The awareness and education campaign is sponsored by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (known previously as the American Dietetic Association). Its purpose is to promote good nutrition by spreading awareness and education about nutritional choices, and to challenge people to make the healthiest food choices they […]

September is Baby Safety Month: What Not to Buy
September is Baby Safety Month, and with a few days left, it seems like a great time to talk about ways to keep our littlest sons, daughters, nieces, nephews and godchildren healthy and safe. If you know a mom-to-be with a baby shower coming up, or if a new baby has recently arrived in your […]

The Benefits of Music Lessons
Learning to play an instrument is a common activity for children, and in some families it is even expected. There are many reasons why parents might want their kids to have music lessons; a child might express an interest in a particular instrument, or a parent may have fond memories of their own childhood music […]

Visit Your Library During Library Week
Do you make time to visit the library on a regular basis with your kids? If not, now’s a great week to take the trip! Visiting the library now is probably different from when you were a child. Children’s libraries often have toys and games available for children to play with, along with computers ready […]

Getting Organized: Planning Ahead for a Garage Sale
The snow may be blowing where you are, and you might think that it’s silly to even think about getting ready for a garage sale! Time flies, though, and if you’re in the process of getting organized anyway, you might as well kill two birds with one stone and prep your unwanted items now. This […]