Author Archive: Ashley B
Ashley is a Writer, Stay at Home mother of 4, not to busy to take time to slow down and smell the flowers. I also teach a Mommy and Me Dance Class to share my love of dance.

School Choice: Know Your Options
When it comes time to choose a school for your children, you may have a lot of choices: In my community alone, there are a handful of public elementary schools, three charter schools, a few private schools and a large network of homeschoolers. With so many choices, how do you make the right one for […]

Things to Buy on Sale in July
Can you believe that we’re already halfway through the year? It’s already July, and retailers are taking advantage of the hot weather, Independence Day and school starting next month in many areas. You’ll see “Christmas in July” sales at many stores, and occasionally, the deals rival those that you might find on Black Friday! This […]

Summertime Enrichment that is Budget Friendly
Now that school is over for the year, your kids have a lot of time on their hands. Without the day-to-day interaction with peers that they have during the school year, they will likely be complaining of boredom after the novelty of sleeping in and lounging around the house wears off. With friends going on […]

November is National Adoption Awareness Month
November is National Adoption Month. The purpose of National Adoption Month is to raise awareness about the adoption of children from foster care. There are over 100,000 children in the U.S. waiting for permanent adoptive families. The theme for this year’s adoption month is improving the ability of adoption professionals to recruit adoptive parents for […]

October 16 is Dictionary Day!
October 16th is Dictionary Day. It was designated as Dictionary Day because it is the birthday of Noah Webster, who you may recognize as the man who gave us Webster’s Dictionary. It is to Noah Webster that we owe the standardized American spellings of words that we’re familiar with (for example “color” as opposed to […]

October is Pizza Month: How to Make a Perfect Pie
October is Pizza Month! Almost all kids love pizza, whether they’re picky or adventurous eaters. I have one child who only eats cheese pizza, and one who eats everything from pineapples to anchovies on his Italian pie. While it takes some time, spending a fall afternoon making homemade pizzas is a great way to promote […]

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. You might have guessed: Department stores are displaying lots of pink items, and football players are rocking the pink sneakers for the month of October. Breast cancer awareness is quite widespread; whether you’re buying yogurt or posting on Facebook, you’ll see lots of pink ribbons and other markers indicating […]

Things to Buy on Sale in October
It may not feel like fall quite yet in all parts of the country but fall is officially here! October brings images of pumpkin carving, the last weeks of apple picking, fall fairs, long sleeves, colorful leaves and chilly nights. We are somewhere in between it not being back-to-school season anymore, and it’s not quite […]

Talk Like a Pirate Day is September 19
Ahoy, mateys or “Ahoy, me hearties!” There is an unusual holiday approaching in September. September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. This unusual holiday was created by John Baur and Mark Summers (Ol’ Chumbucket and Cap’n Slappy, in pirate parlance) after one of them exclaimed “Aaarrr!” after being injured during a racquetball game […]

It’s Time for a Luau!
We’re firmly into summer, and those with July or August birthdays (or those with pools who want to have an impromptu get-together) might enjoy taking advantage of the luau-themed decoration available at discount and dollar stores right now. A luau party is fun for kids (and adults!) of all ages, and is easy to throw […]