Author Archive: Ashley B
Ashley is a Writer, Stay at Home mother of 4, not to busy to take time to slow down and smell the flowers. I also teach a Mommy and Me Dance Class to share my love of dance.

Celebrating Earth Day 2012
Every year, Earth Day falls on April 22. This year it’s a Sunday, so that gives you the chance to spend time with your kids, observing the day and celebrating in your own way! The point of Earth Day is to raise awareness of environmentally sound practices and to foster good habits. Use this as […]

Keeping a Spending Journal
Our family is planning a big vacation next summer, so we’re trying to cut back and start saving now. Sometimes it can seem like there’s just nothing extra to squeeze from the budget! This trip is really important to us, though, so we’ve been looking into ways to save. Sometimes it’s frustrating, because it’s difficult […]

Family Water Safety Guide
The last of the snow may be melting where you are, but the mercury will be rising soon, and with higher temperatures comes the desire to spend the days of summer lounging by the pool, splashing in the surf and wading in nearby lakes. Although water play is a great way to bond as a […]

Enter for $750 Cash and Prizes
April is another great Giveaway month here at ShopaholicMommy! This giveaway is unique because you have up to 9 prizes up for grabs! What are all these prizes you may ask? 9 winners, prizes are. 2 – $250 Visa Gift Cards , 3 – $50 Cheep Boutique Cards and 4 – $25 gift cards to […]

Quick and Easy Family Dinner Ideas
Once we set the clocks ahead and enjoy the sun into the evening hours, I no longer feel like spending an hour or more in the kitchen, cooking. Do you experience the same phenomenon at your house? Everyone is outside having fun, and we often don’t eat until 7:00 during the warmer months; the last […]

Myths about Work At Home Moms
If you’re active in web forums or mommy discussion boards, you probably know that the acronym WAHM stands for “work-at-home mom.” While all moms work at home (is diaper-changing, toilet-scrubbing, dinner-cooking and fight-breaking-up child’s play?), some moms choose to make their home the place where they work for pay. As a WAHM myself, I’m often […]

$50 Victoria’s Secret Gift Card
This is our first Victoria’s Secret Giveaway! I don’t know about you but I would love to be able to walk into a Victoria’s secret and shop but there just isn’t the time or the money! This Giveaway is for a $50 gift card that of course can be used to shop online so it […]

Enter for a Coffee Lovers Keurig Prize Pack #coffeeloversgiveaway
Attention Coffee Lovers! We have a special Coffee Lovers Giveaway just for YOU! We have been a part of giveaways like this before and our readers cannot get enough of them so we decided to team up with a group of blog friends to offer a very special giveaway just for our coffee lovin’ readers!
This […]

April Fool’s jokes over the years
April Fool’s Day is here! Our family has had a few fun adventures on this day. There was the year that my brother and his wife announced her new pregnancy; we thought it was a joke, but it turned out to be true! We still laugh about that, and my niece is four years old. […]

Family Craft: Creating Natural Egg Dyes
When I was growing up, it was an annual tradition to dye Easter eggs, and I’ve carried the ritual into my own kids’ childhoods. When I was young, though, my mom didn’t go to the store and buy those little colored tablets that you mix with water to make the egg dye. I actually don’t, […]