Author Archive: Ashley B
Ashley is a Writer, Stay at Home mother of 4, not to busy to take time to slow down and smell the flowers. I also teach a Mommy and Me Dance Class to share my love of dance.

What’s Really in Your Child’s Juice?
It’s common to see a toddler or preschooler holding a cup filled with apple or grape juice; kids naturally like the sweet juice, and parents feel good about giving them a product made from fruit, particularly one that says “100% Juice” or “No Added Sugar.” Is it a good idea to let kids drink juice […]

For Trade: Is Bartering the Way to Go?
You have probably heard and tried lots of tips in order to find a bargain, from shopping clearance sales, to buying certain items during specific times of the year, to going to yard sales, rummage sales and thrift shops. What if you wanted to shop for an item without spending any money, though? Kids seem […]

Family-Friendly Movies for Summer 2012
A movie is an easy, entertaining, and indoor way to fill a few hours of a long summer day. You can make a day of it and spend some time out of the house at the theater, or pop some popcorn and rent a DVD to watch at home for a relaxing, low-key treat. Either […]

Child Abduction: Facts and Strategies
You probably remember reading about Lenore Skenazy a few years ago. If the name doesn’t ring a bell, she was the mom who let her nine-year-old take a New York City subway home from a department store in the city. She’s also the author of Free Range Kids, a book that touts the benefits of […]

July 13th is Cow Appreciation Day!
One of my family’s favorite places to eat is Chick-Fil-A. Since we’re originally from the northeast, where Chick-Fil-As aren’t as common, we weren’t familiar with the chain when we moved to the South. I see that there are a few scattered around in Massachusetts, New York and New Hampshire, though, so if you’re from New […]

Family Portrait: Strategies for Success
Everyone wants a beautiful family portrait, but getting each family member to cooperate sometimes seems impossible. Anyone who’s ever had small children knows how difficult it is to keep them clean and sitting still, even for a few minutes. If you have older children, the difficulty may be in getting them to look happy and […]

Play Ball! Taking Your Child to His First Baseball Game
Are you a baseball fan? If so, chances are that you can’t wait to introduce your kids to the fun of attending a game. And why wait? The basics of baseball are simple enough for a child to easily pick up on. Even your preschoolers can understand hitting the ball and running the bases, and […]

Kids’ Activities and Games: Mere Child’s Play?
Now that summer is here, the kids are home most of the time and I’m noticing what types of games and diversions they tend to gravitate toward. When they were little, I was usually able to see the value in their games; things like building with blocks, acting out scenes with Little People figurines and […]