Author Archive: Ashley B
Ashley is a Writer, Stay at Home mother of 4, not to busy to take time to slow down and smell the flowers. I also teach a Mommy and Me Dance Class to share my love of dance.

How to Buy a Sleeping Bag
In some areas of the country, the popular camping season is winding down, but in some parts of the South, it’s just beginning! Whether you live where it’s cold or warm in the fall, you might want to take the kids camping one weekend. October is a great month to camp if you see a […]

Beach First Aid Tips
Although beach season is ending for much of the country, going to the beach is becoming more popular in Florida and other warm areas: The tourists have gone home until the wintertime season picks up, and the weather is finally tolerable! My family was at the beach recently when I was stung by a sting […]

Screen Free Week Starts September 24
Every April and September, there is a National TV Turnoff Week. Recently, the name has changed to Screen Free Week, and, as it implies, it’s a week to spend with the television, video game systems and computers turned off. This month, Screen Free Week starts today, September 24.
The benefits of avoiding too much TV time […]

Tricks for Teaching Good Manners
You know that it’s important to instill good manners in your child. Good manners pave the way for success in social situations and are an essential skill that your child really needs to develop as early as possible. You want good manners to become a lifetime habit, after all. However, it can be difficult to […]

Fostering a Service Dog
Have you ever considered fostering a service dog? Depending on your family dynamic, this can be an excellent experience for your kids and yourself. There are organizations out there whose purpose is to train puppies for the purpose of being service dogs for the blind, the deaf or for those with other medical problems. The […]

Ideas for Goodie Bags – Birthday Parties
One of the fun parts of planning a birthday party, back-to-school party or other celebration for the kids is choosing party favors! These range from items that go with the theme of the party, to traditional favorites that most kids love, to useful items that the child can use at home or at school. Instead […]

How to Buy the Perfect Purse
Pre-kids, you may have always carried a small, trendy purse. Once the babies start coming, though, we moms tend to rely on a diaper bag to hold our wallets and lipsticks (along with diapers, wipes, bibs, baby food, bottles, a change of clothes, burp cloths…). Even when the kids get a bit bigger, we do […]

Gift Ideas for Grandparents’ Day
Grandparents’ Day is swiftly approaching, as this year it falls on September 9th. This is the day of the year set aside for celebrating that all-important relationship between grandparent and grandchild. Grannies, Grandpas, Nanas and Pop-pops play a very important role in many children’s lives, and they certainly deserve recognition. They are givers of gifts, […]

Hints for Hiking With Children
Hiking is an excellent outdoor activity. It’s healthy, fun, and invigorating, and it’s a great way to observe and learn about nature. If you’re an avid hiker, you probably can’t wait to introduce your hobby to your kids. Taking your kids hiking is a great idea: You’ll be introducing them to a hobby that will […]

Picnic Food Safety: Avoiding Food Poisoning
Picnics and barbecues are a common and fun way to celebrate Labor Day and bid a fond farewell to summer time. Unfortunately, picnics and barbecues are also a common source of food poisoning. Improper food safety techniques combined with the limitations of outdoor cooking and eating sometimes lead to some very unhappy campers after the […]