Author Archive: Ashley B
Ashley is a Writer, Stay at Home mother of 4, not to busy to take time to slow down and smell the flowers. I also teach a Mommy and Me Dance Class to share my love of dance.

Holiday on a Budget: Making Extra Money for Holiday Spending
Saving money during the holidays might not pad your bank account, but it very well may keep you from having buyer’s regret later… especially if you’re planning on using credit cards to fund your holiday shopping! One huge way to save money (and stress) is to buy using cash. Not only do we tend to […]

Kid-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes
On Thanksgiving morning, it’s traditional in my home for the kids to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on television while my husband and I scramble around getting everything ready. This year, though, I think I might involve my pre-teens and teenager in the preparations. Even little kids like to help out in the kitchen, […]

Keeping Kids’ Clothing in Good Condition
You know how quickly kids outgrow their clothing, as well as how expensive it can be. If you have more than one child, particularly if they’re the same sex, it’s nice to hand items down from older to younger. In my circle of friends, we also tend to pass used clothing along to the younger […]

Sharing in the Spirit of Giving This Holiday Season
It’s the time of year when all of us sit back and count our blessings. Most of us also look for ways to share some of our “extra” with others who are not as fortunate as we are. It can be difficult for children to understand this type of giving, however: your kids might not […]

Lego Fun in 2012
Every year, toys get more and more technologically advanced, and less and less like anything we remember playing with as kids. Or do they? Some old school toys have made “retro” comebacks, and at least one never needed to come back, because it never went away in the first place. I’m speaking, of course, of […]

Fall Cleaning Projects
Most of us kick our cleaning routine into high gear after the winter is over in the tradition of spring cleaning set by those who came before our grandmothers’ grandmothers. As the temperature dips and the leaves blow, fall is another great time to go through the house and get some extra deep-down cleaning done. […]

November is National Peanut Butter Lovers Month
Did you know that the month of November is Peanut Butter Lovers Month? Americans love their peanut butter, and it is estimated that as a country, we’ll consume over 65 million pounds of it during the month of November alone. The first patent for peanut butter, which went to Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, was applied […]

Kids and Politics: Talking to Kids About Voting
Are kids interested in elections? Well, yes and no. Your four-year-old probably couldn’t care less. Your ten-year-old, though, may very well be paying attention to things the adults are excited about, including election proceedings. Your thirteen-year-old is probably studying the election process in school. Your sixteen-year-old? She’ll be voting soon herself.
When to start talking to […]

Top 20 Toys for 2012
Walmart has recently released its list of the top 20 toys of the 2012 holiday season! Some years, it can be very difficult to get your hands on certain toys once they make the list. If any of these happen to be on your child’s Dear Santa list, then keep your eyes open for them. […]

November is National Sleep Comfort Month!
November is National Sleep Comfort Month. The importance of getting enough sleep at night cannot be understated; as moms, we’ve gone through enough sleep deprivation to know that we all need sleep in order for our bodies and brains to function properly. A sleep debt, the term for the build-up of fatigue that occurs when […]