Author Archive: Ashley B

Ashley is a Writer, Stay at Home mother of 4, not to busy to take time to slow down and smell the flowers. I also teach a Mommy and Me Dance Class to share my love of dance.

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Saving Money on Kids’ Haircuts

Saving Money on Kids’ Haircuts

| January 29, 2013 | 19 Comments

How much do you pay for kids’ haircuts? My son, who used to be happy with my home-haircuts, has recently informed me that he would like to have his hair cut by a professional. Since he is a pre-teen and has his own sense of style, I agreed that that would be fine… then had […]

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Exotic Pets for Kids

Exotic Pets for Kids

| January 28, 2013 | 4 Comments

Do you have pets? The majority of households have a dog or a cat (or both), and many kids have pets like hamsters, gerbils or fish. One of my kids’ friends has two snakes for pets! We have two cats, and I love watching the kids interact with them. One kitty in particular tends to […]

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Ice Skating: Tips to Stay Safe and Have Fun

Ice Skating: Tips to Stay Safe and Have Fun

| January 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Are the ponds and lakes frozen over where you are? One of the wintertime pleasures of those living in cold climates is ice skating! I have fond memories of skating on a local pond when I was younger. Of course, those of us living in warmer areas can still go skating at ice rinks, but […]

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Kids and Funerals: Things to Think About

Kids and Funerals: Things to Think About

| January 25, 2013 | 33 Comments

We recently had a death in the family: My husband’s aunt passed away after many years of illness. This was the first family death that our children have been aware of, and they had some questions. As we live far from family, only my husband flew up for the funeral, but it did lead to […]

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The Toddler Years: Thumbsucking

The Toddler Years: Thumbsucking

| January 20, 2013 | 31 Comments

Now that I’m an adult, I can admit that I sucked my thumb until I was eight years old. I was recently out shopping, and I saw a big kid, probably about that age, sucking his thumb, and it reminded me of how long I indulged in the habit. What finally deterred me was having […]

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Teen Dating: Ways to Handle It

Teen Dating: Ways to Handle It

| January 18, 2013 | 36 Comments

The time has come, or it will be coming sooner than you imagine is possible: Your child comes home with stars in his (or her) eyes, sure that true love has been found. Your son might say that he’s “going out” or “dating” someone, or your daughter might throw you for a loop by casually […]

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January is Bath Safety Month

January is Bath Safety Month

| January 11, 2013 | 30 Comments

January is Bath Safety Month, and even if you think that your kids are too old to worry about drowning in the bath tub, there are some things that you may need to know. Most bathroom injuries have to do with slipping and falling, not drowning. No matter how old you (or your kids) are, […]

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Ideas for a First Birthday Party

Ideas for a First Birthday Party

| January 10, 2013 | 45 Comments

My own first baby was born in January, and even though he’s turning 12 this week, I can still remember his first birthday party. We invited nearly everyone we knew and ended up renting a church hall to hold everyone! When his sister turned one a couple of years later, her party wasn’t as extravagant: […]

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New Magazine Subscriptions for the New Year

New Magazine Subscriptions for the New Year

| January 4, 2013 | 16 Comments

Do you read magazines? How about your kids? When I was a child, one of my Christmas presents from my grandparents every year was a new year’s subscription to whatever magazines that I was reading at the time. This tradition has been continued with my children, as their grandparents pick out magazines for them each […]

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January Sales: Camping Gear

January Sales: Camping Gear

| January 3, 2013 | 15 Comments

In most places, now is not the most popular time to go camping as a family. There are some exceptions, of course: If you live in the hotter states in the country, then now may be the best time to go camping! Either way, January is a good time to buy camping gear. The lower […]

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