Author Archive: Ashley B
Ashley is a Writer, Stay at Home mother of 4, not to busy to take time to slow down and smell the flowers. I also teach a Mommy and Me Dance Class to share my love of dance.

TOMS Shoes Partners With Movember #movember
As we take off our pink ribbons worn throughout the month of October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s time to start sporting some moustaches. November, also known as “Movember,” is the month for raising awareness about cancers that affect men. Why is it called “Movember?” It’s a cross between “Mo,” short for moustache, and […]

How to Carve a Jack o’Lantern
Having carved jack o’lanterns every fall from the time I was tiny, I was surprised several years ago to find out that some of my friends had never done it at all! Now, every year we host a pumpkin carving party for our friends! Since we host foreign exchange students, and since pumpkin-carving is largely […]

Cool Weather Recipes
Now that we are firmly in fall and the temperature outside has started to noticeably cool, it’s time to start thinking about the changing the dinners we make to fit the changing season. Sure, there’s never a bad time for some dishes (pizza comes to mind) but other dishes are just so much better when […]

Head Lice: What to Do If Your Child Comes Home With Them
There are many wonderful things about the fall season and for children, the return to school. But there is at least one thing about the back to school season that is not so wonderful… with the return of fall comes the return of head lice. If you’ve never been through a lice infestation, the first […]

Fall Fun With Teens
You know that your teen needs your time and attention at least as much as he did when he was younger, if not more. While it’s relatively easy to come up with fun parent and child activities for small children, it can be much more challenging to keep a teenager engaged and entertained. Sometimes, it […]

Buying Winter Boots for Kids
It’s hard to believe that it’s that time of year already, but if you live in one of the northern states, your mornings and evenings are probably getting pretty chilly… and if they’re not, they will be soon! Over the next few months, your now-sunny days will get blustery, and it will be time to […]

Remembering and Explaining 9/11
As today is the anniversary of September 11, 2001, it’s a good day to sit and reflect with our children about what this day means to us and to our history as Americans. If your children are middle school aged or younger, they have no recollection of that day, though they’ve probably heard about it […]

Leaf-Peeping With the Kids
When I used to live in the North, fall was my favorite time of year. Apple-picking, pumpkin-carving, starting to wear long sleeves again… and my favorite activity, leaf-peeping! I remember going for long drives through various New England towns, taking in the scenery of quaint churches, town greens and red, orange and yellow autumn leaves. […]

Tailgating the Family-Friendly Way
Football season is coming up! A football game can be a great family activity if your kids are interested in the sport. Kids tend to have great team spirit and are excited to root for their team or favorite players. With football games come tailgating parties. If you enjoy tailgating parties and want to be […]

Tips on Making Moving Easier on Your Family
Spring and summer are the seasons when people tend to move. The real estate market often picks up during the warmer weather, and it’s often easier for families to move during the summer, when the kids are done with school. My family is currently moving, and I’m seeing that it can be stressful on the […]